T-shirt pattern — Trademark
There are many international brands of T-shirts, and their printed patterns are their own trademarks, which not only have an advertising effect on the T-shirts, but also play a decorative role. A trademark is purely a plastic art, a sign that marks the source of the product and the honor of the company. Its shape is simple, small and uniform, and can play a visual language effect that is easiest to identify rich cultural connotations in an instant. Therefore, the trademark is the advertising endorsement of the company and the product.
A good trademark design should comply with several principles:
1. Concise and easy to recognize. Whether it is a pattern or text style, it should meet the requirements of being easy to remember, easy to read, and clear at a glance;
2. The content is suitable for the nature of the company or product. Whether it is the meaning of the pattern or the color symbol, it must match;
3. Create a unique style. Whether it is a pattern or text, it should have unique characteristics;
4. It is permanent. Whether it is ten or fifty years, the shape and color of the trademark should still have the slightest sense of outdated, and can stand the test of time;
5. Appropriate standard colors.